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For an effective workflow and realisation of the project, an unloading marine hose port for liquid cargo, unrefined vegetable oil, is to be built; this will allow the liquid cargo ships to unload up to 2km into the sea. This is the most effective way to unload the unrefined product.

In addition to servicing internal needs of the inhouse oil refinery plant, the liquid port will be open to service the needs of other users of such services.


Organization of a 25,000m2 raw material storage terminal with a simultaneous storage capacity of approximately

10 separate 20,000 cubic meter storage tanks.

• The creation of a 40m2 modern laboratory, a weighing facility, and the organization of the necessary infrastructure.

The Business Model of such an enterprise has the following sources of income through its activities

• providing reception services

• storage fees,6


• performing laboratory tests,

• transfering vegetable oils to the oil refining plant.

For the organization of such an enterprise, the construction of a capacity park is assumed as the first stage of the development of the terminal, with a total capacity of about 200 thousand cubic meters, bulk cargo receiving and shipping area, oil filling station, stacking, and ready-made products. It is also necessary to organize a modern laboratory that determines the quality of incoming raw materials and the quality of finished products obtained from the refinery, security points, and premises for administrative and technical staff accommodation. This subproject, a liquid bulk storage terminal, can operate as a warehouse for its own trading activities or can provide bulk cargo handling services to third-party companies.


Main 1,260m2 refining plant will produce

and pack the following finished products:

• Refined deodorized oil

• Acidified oil

• Acidic fats

• Fatty paraffins

Additional 540m2 lecithin refining plant

will produce and pack:

• Dry lecithin powder

• Liquid lecithin

*The zone that is receiving main raw materials will require the

following to be constructed:

• lecithin storage and shipment area,

• stations for filling finished refined oil into containers,

• organizing areas for receiving and storing auxiliary process


• buffer tanks for storing and shipping finished oil,

• an area for storing and shipping additional finished products,

such as acidified oil, sour fat and fatty paraffins,

• storage area for soap adsorbent,

• the construction of a storage and shipment site for sludge and

waste bleaching clay,


The construction of a

technologically advanced

gas boiler house and the

installation of a 2.5 mWt

electricity-generating unit

using natural gas.